SORCES: AFP (01 Dec 2009)
BUENOS AIRES -- A 38-year-old former Miss Argentina, Solange Magnano, died over the weekend from complications resulting from cosmetic surgery, friends of the victim said Monday.
"This woman who had everything is dead because she wanted to have a slightly firmer ass," said Roberto Piazza, a fashion designer and close friend of Magnano, who frequently appeared as a runway model in his fashion shows.
Magnano, Miss Argentina 1994, a married mother of eight-year-old twins, went under the knife Thursday at a plastic surgery center in the capital city, Buenos Aires, hoping to tone up her derriere.
She was rushed to the hospital Friday suffering from a pulmonary embolism, and died on Sunday, her friends said.
"She only underwent the procedure because she thought it was no big deal," said Guillermo Azar, another associate from the fashion world and a close friend of Magnano's.
Meanwhile, Juan Carlos Seiler, former president of an association here of plastic surgeons, suggested that the doctor who performed the procedure might not have been "a real professional from an approved" cosmetic surgery center.
There were around 50,000 plastic surgery procedures performed in Argentina in 2008, a 60 percent increase over 2003, with a growing number of foreigners seeking inexpensive cosmetic enhancements accounting for much of the increase.
植入物湧進肺部 選美王后為豐臀送命
2009年12月02日 (蘋果日報)
愛美愛到賠上命,一名前「阿根廷小姐」( Miss Argentina)冠軍佳麗,為了重拾渾圓美臀,決定隆臀,豈料手術出了岔子,植入物竟由臀部游走至肺部,以致她肺栓塞,美臀和性命一起沒有了。
馬妮亞諾( Solange Magnano)是 1994年「阿根廷小姐」,兩年前開辦了一所模特兒學校,除了打理自己的生意,還為設計師好友皮亞扎擔任模特兒。有事業更有家庭,是育有一對 8歲孖生子的人妻。本應生活美滿,但她自有煩惱。
38歲的選美王后,雖然依然美艷,但美女不許人間見白頭,常常為保持美貌和身材苦惱,尤其想重新感受年輕美臀帶來的驕傲。上周四,她專程前往首都布宜諾斯艾利斯一間整容中心,接受豐臀手術,注入聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯( PMMA),以提升臀部,重塑線條。
阿根廷整形醫生指, PMMA用於醫學上有 40年歷史,最初用在神經外科、修補頭骨,由於少被人體排斥,後來應用到隆唇去皺上,用 PMMA豐臀在阿根廷則有兩年歷史,導致肺栓塞很罕見。但阿根廷整容醫生協會前會長說,隆臀手術簡單之餘也有一定風險,並懷疑馬妮亞諾光顧了無牌整容醫生。
據國際整形外科學會調查,大多數隆臀女性都希望擁有「籮霸」歌手珍妮花洛庇絲( Jennifer Lopez)那樣的盛臀。
Solange competed in Miss Universe 1994 in Manila

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