Miss Venezuela 2012, the 60th Miss Venezuela pageant, was held on 30 August 2012 in Caracas, Venezuela. Representing the assigned departments of Venezuela, 24 beautiful Venezuelans were competing for three major titles this year, namely, Miss Venezuela 2012, Miss Venezuela Interantional and Miss Venezuela Earth 2012.
Miss Venezuela World will be organized in a separate pageant this year.
Miss Venezuela Universe 2012:
Miss Guárico - María Gabriela Isler, 24, 179cm, Hometown: Maracay
She also won Miss Elegancia award.
The top 3 Venezuelan Queens will represent her country in the grandslam pageants 2013
Miss Venezuela International 2012:
Miss Aragua, Nicelín Elián Herrera Vásquez, 21, 184cm, Hometown: Maracay
Miss Venezuela Earth 2012:
Miss Falcón - Alyz Sabimar Henrich Ocando, 21, 175cm, Hometown: Punto Fijo
She also won Miss Belleza Integral.
Special Mention:
Miss Miranda, Oriana Lucchese Báez, 19, 176cm, from Valencia.
She is the hot favorite from the pageant fans. She eventually finished top 10 and the winner of the award "Miss Rostro Más Bello"
11 years ago
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